19th WRIB Poster Abstract Submission is now CLOSED

Submission Deadline: February 7, 2025

Participate with a Poster in this international forum to present your advanced research to the global bioanalytical community, share your knowledge and expertise and have open discussions with other colleagues on your cutting-edge research that can have an impact on the Drug Discovery and Development.

Poster Acceptance Criteria:

  • Please ensure to highlight the Novelty of your Research in the submitted abstracts vs. already published/presented material (abstracts already presented at other conferences will NOT be accepted);
  • Abstracts must be actual data-driven & Non-Commercial;
  • Abstracts will be accepted based on 1) Novelty, 2) Relevance, and 3) Quality of your Data/Research.

Each attendee is permitted to present only ONE poster, and there is no restriction of the number of co-authorships.

Abstracts must have minimum 300 words (longer abstracts are welcome!) in total including title, novel aspect, introduction, method, results and conclusion.

All the posters will be presented during one of the Main Workshop DAYs based on the topic of your poster to match the Main Workshop program.

The size of poster boards is 8'X4' (8 feet wide and 4 feet high).

AGAIN Poster Award: There will be poster contest at the 19th WRIB like in previous years, and presenters of 3-4 most outstanding posters (one from each Day) will each recieve free registration for next WRIB Main Workshop, as well as an interview by Bioanalysis Journal team, and appearing in a speical feature report in the Bioanalysis Journal and on Bioanalysis Zone.

18th WRIB Poster Award Winners

WRIB is proud to announce that each year WRIB Poster Screening Committee follows extremely high standard in strictly selecting the best Posters based on 1) Novelty 2) Relevance and 3) Quality of Data/Research with a high rejection rate of over 50% of submitted abstracts.

Hence, as expected, the quality of the posters presented at the 18th WRIB was so high that the Award Committee took a while to score & select the winning ones.

Finally here is the list of WRIB 2024's poster award winners (in order of Poster Numbers):

  • Day1-P01

    "Advancing Pharmacokinetic Profiling: Method Development of DAR-Insensitive Ligand Binding Assay for ADC Drug Detection in Biological Matrix"
    - Xiaonan Liu, Frontage Laboratories

  • Day2-P09

    "Developing a cell-based AAV neutralization assay: no default scenario for specificity testing, PC selection, or threshold definition"
    - Florian Neff, Roche

  • Day2-P23

    "Advancing the Frontiers: Development and Qualification of High Dimensional Spectral Flow Cytometry Intracellular and Surface Immunophenotyping Assays for Human Clinical Trials"
    - Kevin Lang, PPD - Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific

  • Day3-P02

    "Validation of quantitation of MK-6598 target protein and phenylpyruvate in tumor biopsies by LCMSMS to inform target engagement in Phase I oncology clinical trial"
    - Carolina Cabral, Merck

Each Poster Award Winner receives a free registration for 19th WRIB Main Workshop in New Orleans, as well as an interview by Bioanalysis Journal team, and appearing in a speical feature article in the Bioanalysis Journal and on Bioanalysis Zone - Click to View the 18th WRIB Poster Award Winners on the Special Feature Article just published by Bioanalysis Journal.

Agenda at a Glance Agenda at a Glance